I met Cary Fagan on day two of my recent southwest road trip when he was photographing a model at Hamilton Pool in Texas.
He is majorly friendly and talented and here's the proof.

petite tenue: Tell me more about yourself! Are you originally from Texas?
cary fagan: My name is Cary B Fagan Jr.
I play the saxophone and soccer.
I enjoy writing movie scripts and listening to scores.
I work at American Apparel (currently) and have 4 Yorkies (Dash, Django, Simba, and Nala)
Math is my favorite subject, I love Jazz/Samba music, creating make believe scenarios in my head, and the color yellow (because yellow signifies happiness).
"Her" and "The Grand Budapest Hotel" are my favorite movies so far this year.
Thunder Cat is my favorite artist, specifically "Is it Love?" and "Tenfold". They make me feel cool inside.
Meditation is cool and I watch a lot of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia".
I was born in Phoenix, AZ and moved to Texas during my second year in elementary school. Haven't been back since, but one day I will make that road trip.

petite tenue: How long have you been taking photos? How did you get into it?
cary: I've been taking photos for about three to four years now. I've been taking it seriously for about a year now, ever since I picked up my first film camera, which was a Pentax Super Program, handed to me by my good friend Justin. I first got into photography through subtle punishment from my father. I had gotten in trouble in middle school one day and that weekend I had to wake up early to spend some time with him at Brazos Bend Park and take photographs. I didn't enjoy the thought of taking pictures of inanimate objects, but my perception changed after taking multiple images of butterflies, trees, and alligators.
Today, I have to say, nature is a huge influence in my photography. I don't regret getting in trouble at school. Thanks, Dad.

petite tenue: I love that you use film. What is your favorite thing about shooting film?
cary: The ability to create a story for strangers with whom I don't have to speak to. Not that I don't enjoy talking to people or anything, I do, but, with the work that I produce, I'd love to create something for the viewers to wonder or question and create that sense of curiosity. Shooting film is like a math problem, for example, you will need the components A and B to solve C, in this instance natural lighting and the correct settings will create the image I envision before the "Click"!

petite tenue: Any particular photographers you look up to?
cary: Tamara Lichtenstein, Bryant Eslava, Matt Tammaro, Megan Tipps, Dennis Auburn, Tasanuva Awal.
I look up to the photographers, specifically, because they all have their hand at shooting film, they know what it means to create. Their composition is limitless, each photograph they publish tells a story to the viewer. I think my photography started shaping when I studied their work. I like they fact that I can smile when I see their images because I know the hard work they put into their passion.
With that being said, never stop following your dreams. Do not let society tell you "you can't", because you can.
I am happy and love what I do. I hope this message speaks volumes.

petite tenue: What can we expect from you in the near future?
cary: You can expect a brand new layout to my site, along with new images this summer. I am in the midst of something beautiful (hopefully). I also plan on getting my first photo book published this year. I am shooting for American Apparel later this month, very excited for that. More traveling, too!
photos: cary fagan
ig: @crashnebula
twitter: @caryfagan
model: natasha cosme
clothing: american apparel
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