Featuring another super talented Texan, Sarah Eiseman, and I am beginning to believe that Texas is just one big state full of talent. Her photos are equal parts dreamy and brooding and it doesn't take much to realize that she is a very special person.
I'm a 25 year old ENFP /// Virgo-Pisces-Aries (If that means anything to anyone). I'm originally from Florida but pioneered my way across the states to Texas, about four years ago. I have a degree in Science and during the daytime I do physical therapy with elderly patients. I love spending any free time I can, outside connecting with my surroundings, reading books about artists I admire from the past or far away places, and spending quality time with people I care about+my dogs or by myself properly working on improving my self awareness.

I became interested in photography at a very early age. My mom had a really old polaroid 600 and we used to buy disposable cameras all the time. I remember some of my first images being of my stuffed animals, family members, and abstract pieces of sky and flowers. My photographs then showed no skill or composition, yet I look back through my mother's memory boxes of film now and can't help but be inspired by the old smells and look of the film type back then in general and the moments that were forever saved. I got lost in between the years of school and didn't care too much about photography besides photographing people I knew and days we spent at the beach or outside.
It wasn't until I moved to Austin, that I seriously picked back up photography. I didn't know what kind of photography I would be interested in but I felt a sense of freedom and difference in Austin and decided that I needed to start documenting my life and the changing world around me.
I first bought a digital canon rebel camera, for the first year I photographed everything. I tried every technique, did a 365 day project where I photographed myself everyday, and watched a million tutorials. I taught myself ultimately anything I felt like learning. After a while I started getting bored with shooting digital, I didn't feel like there was enough feeling in it for me. I started shooting again with a polaroid 600 which was gifted to me, and from there my love for film was reignited. I searched out and thrifted for as many film cameras and different kinds of film as I could. Now I have a full on obsession with shooting film. I have a hard time not looking at ebay for old film and cameras, I'm at the local camera store almost everyday, and my baby camera goes with me in my purse everyday,everywhere. If I'm not out shooting film, I'm home drawing, painting, and crafting with photos to make them into something else I envision.

I'm not sure what I have in store for the rest of the year. My friend and I are planning a collaborative project in the following month which is something I am most excited about but can't give away too many details about that. I also hope to do a few shows here and there but ultimately I just hope to continue being inspired and learning as much as I can about film.
There are so many people I would love to shoot. If I had to name a few it would be Tilda Swinton because she is so darn interesting looking and Amanda Seyfriend (which my friend and I were just talking about!) because she is utterly beautiful in such a delicate and simple way. She looks like she was kidnapped from another era. But really, I love the chance to photograph anyone that I connect with.